An aye aye resembles many amazing facts. This creature can only be found in the northeast region of Madagascar. The aye aye lives in tropical rainforests and thin forests, usually…

Silvery Marmoset: Profile, Facts, Diet, Habitat & More
The silvery Marmoset, Mico argentatus, is available in the mid-north part of the brand. The Silvery Marmoset is one of the 14 species of Amazonian marmosets in the Myco mass….

Tarsier Monkey: Profile, Description, Species, Habitat, Facts
The tarsier monkey is twice the length, except for a tail that is intermediate between lemurs and monkeys, measuring approximately 9-6 cm (3.5-6 inches) long. The tarsier is the hlorine…

What Do Lemurs Eat & Drink? Lemur Diets, Favorite Food
What do lemurs eat? Many zoologists, as well as animal lovers, show their concern and interest in the feeding of lemurs- what do lemurs eat? This article will be discussing…

Lemur: Profile, Description, Traits, Diet, Habitat, Facts
Lemurs ( LEE-mər) (from Latin lemures – from ghosts or demons) are primitive mammals, divided into 4 families and consisting of 3 genera and about 5 existing species (source). A…

How to Create a Stress-Free Environment for Your Pet
Pets are extraordinary companions, providing us with comfort, company, and unconditional love. However, particularly in an urban context, providing pets with a stress-free environment can often be challenging. How to…

Does Silver Springs Have Monkeys in Florida?
Once upon a time in the countryside near Ocala, Florida, there were a number of amazing primate species, some of them still living in the wild. The Silver Springs tourist…

42 Very Interesting Coolest Facts About Winter Season
There are numerous interesting facts about the winter season and people love to learn the coolest facts about winter. Winter is a season to get rid of the hottest summer…

Effects, Consequences of Global Warming: How To Overcome It
You might be asking frequently, what are the effects and consequences of global warming and how to overcome it! Global warming, or the gradual increase of the Earth’s average surface…

33 Less Discussed Interesting Facts about Greenhouse Effect
There are several interesting facts about the greenhouse effect every one of us should know about. It’s a good thing that the greenhouse effect exists. It maintains a moderate average…