The white-cheeked spider monkey, scientific name Ateles marginatus is a species of spider monkey, a sort of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil. It strikes across the forest cover in…
Category: Primates

Monk Saki Animal – Profile | Facts | Lifespan | Color
The monk saki, scientific name Pithecia monachus also called Geoffroy’s monk saki or Miller’s monk saki, is a species of saki monkey, a sort of New World monkey, from South…

Titi Monkey – Profile | Facts | Size | Baby | Diet
The titi, or titi monkey, is a New World monkey of the subfamily Callicebinae, which accommodates three extant genera, Cheracebus, Callicebus, and Plecturocebus.In this article, I am going to discuss…

Lucifer Titi – Profile | Distribution | Habitat | Biology
The Lucifer titi, scientific name Cheracebus lucifer is a species of titi, a kind of New World monkey, from South America. It’s present in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. It…

Baby Owl Monkey – Facts | Birth | Life Cycle | Feeding
Baby owl monkey is very cute. The owl monkey is socially monogamous, and all night monkeys kind pair bonds. Just one baby owl monkey is born every year. The male…

Brown-mantled Tamarin – Facts | Description | Diet
The brown-mantled tamarin, scientific name Leontocebus fuscicollis, often known as Spix’s saddle-back tamarin, is a species of saddle-back tamarin from South America. It’s present in Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru. The…

Azara’s Night Monkey – Facts | Description | Lifestyle
Azara’s night monkey, a scientific name Aotus azarae, often known as the southern night monkey, is a night monkey species from South America. In this article, I am going to…

Peruvian Night Monkey – Facts | Profile | Adaptations
The Peruvian night monkey, a scientific name Aotus miconax, also referred to as the Andean nighttime monkey is a nocturnal New World monkey endemic to northern Peru. In this article,…

Tufted Capuchin – Habitat | Pet | Baby | Diet | Facts
The tufted capuchin, scientific name Sapajus apella, also called brown capuchin, black-capped capuchin, or pin monkey is a New World primate from South America. In this article, I will give…

Owl Monkeys as Pets or in the Wild to Recommend?
Owl monkeys are cute primates and there is a controversy as these vulnerable, tiny primate species can be treated as pets or not. In this article, we will discuss owl…