What do lemurs eat? Many zoologists, as well as animal lovers, show their concern and interest in the feeding of lemurs- what do lemurs eat? This article will be discussing…
Category: Primates

Lemur: Profile, Description, Traits, Diet, Habitat, Facts
Lemurs ( LEE-mər) (from Latin lemures – from ghosts or demons) are primitive mammals, divided into 4 families and consisting of 3 genera and about 5 existing species (source). A…

Does Silver Springs Have Monkeys in Florida?
Once upon a time in the countryside near Ocala, Florida, there were a number of amazing primate species, some of them still living in the wild. The Silver Springs tourist…

Pierolapithecus catalaunicus – Profile | Discovery | Fossil | Extinct
The age of primates is very ancient. Pierolapithecus catalaunicus is an extinct species of primate which lived about 13 million years ago throughout the Miocene in what’s now Hostalets de…

Eastern Chimpanzee – Profile | Traits | Facts | Habitat | Diet
The eastern chimpanzee, the scientific name Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii is a subspecies of the common chimpanzee. It is native to the Central African Republic, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of…

Western – West African Chimpanzee – Profile | Traits | Facts
The western chimpanzee, or West African chimpanzee, scientific name Pan troglodytes verus is a subspecies of the common chimpanzee. It inhabits western Africa, primarily in Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia, Mali,…

Nigeria-Cameroon Chimpanzee – Profile | Traits | Facts | Habitat
The Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee, scientific name Pan troglodytes ellioti is a subspecies of the common chimpanzee which inhabits the rainforest alongside the border of Nigeria and Cameroon. Male Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees can…

Central African Chimpanzee – Profile | Traits | Facts | Habitat
The central chimpanzee or tschego, scientific name Pan troglodytes troglodytes is a subspecies of the common chimpanzee (one of many closest residing family to people, together with the bonobo). Central…

Bonobo- Pygmy Chimpanzee – Profile | Traits | Facts | Habitat
The bonobo, scientific name Pan paniscus, additionally traditionally referred to as the pygmy chimpanzee and less usually, the dwarf or gracile chimpanzee, is an endangered great ape and one of…

Different Types of Apes – Profile | Traits | Facts | Classification
Apes (Hominoidea) are a branch of Old World tailless simians native to Africa and Southeast Asia. There are different types of apes. They are the sister group of the Old…