The smallest primate is the Madam berth mouse lemur (Microbes berth), weighing about one-third of the species. The final ‘smallest monkey’ often refers to the pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmya), an…
Category: Primates

Green Monkey Profile, Facts, Diet, Habitat, Reproduction
The green monkey is found in Senegal, West Africa, and from the Gambia to the Volta River. It originated in the islands of Cape Verde in the south of northwestern…

Black Lemur (Eulemur macaco) Profile, Traits, Diet, Facts
Black lemur (Eulemur macaco) is a species of lemur from the Laburid family. Like all lemurs, it is native to Madagascar. Originally, it was hypothesized that there are two subspecies…

Dwarf Lemur Profile, Diet, Habitat, Traits, Breeding, Facts
The dwarf lemur is the lemur of the genus Chirogallius. Like all other animals, all species of this genus live in Madagascar. Because they store fat in their tails, fat-tailed…

Shabani Gorilla Profile, Facts, Care, Diet and Life Story
Shabani is a Japanese male western lowland gorilla who was born in Appenhall Primate Park in the Netherlands, grew up in Australia, and currently lives in the Higashiyama Zoo in…

Slow Loris Profile Facts, Diet, Venom, Pet, Conservation
A slow loris is a group of several species of nocturnal strepsirhine primates that produce the genus Nichtisbus. Found in Southeast Asia and bordering regions, they range from Bangladesh and…

Howler Monkey Profile, Teeth, Eating, Sound & Facts
One of the New World monkeys is the howler monkey which comes from the Acrobatic genus Alautata in the subfamily Allutinae. The howler monkey is famous for its loud noises,…

Gibbon Profile, Behavior, Diet, habitat, Facts & More
A gibbon is often described as a monkey but most classify it as apes. The debate often continues and so you will find information about them in both sections. You’ll…

Senegal Galago (Galago senegalensis) Profile, Description
Senegal galago is also known as Bushbaby with the scientific name Galago senegalensis. A Senegal Galego, as well as the lesser Galego, is popular as a lesser Bushbaby. It is…

Bonnet Macaque (Macaca radiata) Profile, Facts, Description
Bonnet macaque, known as a zati, scientific name Macaca radiata, is a macaque vastly found as native to southern India. Its distribution is limited to the Indian Ocean and Godavari,…