The Western Tarsier, also named Horsfield’s Tarsier, scientific name Cephalopachus bancanus, is the only species of the genus Cephalopachus that occurs in Borneo, Sumatra, and nearby islands, and like other…
Month: May 2023

Barbary Macaque Profile, Description, Diet, Habitat, Traits
The barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) is the only macaque species found outside Asia and the only primate species found in the north of the Sahara of Africa. There are Barbary…

Bengal Slow Loris Profile, Description, Diet, Habitat, Traits
The Bengal Slow Loris, scientific name, Nycticebus bengalensis or the Northern Slow Loris is the Stripesrahine Primate, and the geographical range of the slow loris species in the Indian subcontinent…

Chimpanzee Locomotion: Are Chimpanzees Bipeds?
chimpanzee locomotion has been a great interest factor for zoologists. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) habitually move both bilaterally and quadratic and like the early monkey, hominins have become a common topic…

Baboon Profile, Traits, Diet, Habitat, Description, Facts
Science has established them to be monkeys based on several contributing factors. Baboon shares a 98% DNA Match with Humans. There are 5 species of baboons and they are all…

What is the Dental Formula of Aye Aye Teeth?
The native of Madagascar, Aye aye, scientific name Daubentonia madagascariensis is the only primate for the ability of woodpecker with its teeth: it uses its anterior tooth-like teeth to find…

Lesser Galago Profile, Description, Behavior, Diet, Facts
Known as Bushbaby, the lesser galago is one of Africa’s primates. Four different subspecies are found in many parts of Africa, from Senegal in the east to Somalia in the…

Philippine Tarsier (Carlito syrichta) Profile & Description
The Philippine tarsier, scientific name Carlito syrichta in the Philippines, locally known as Cebuano and other Visayan languages, Maomag, Warre Magi, and Mammag of Tagalog, a small native of the…

Japanese Macaque Profile, Description, Traits, Behavior, Diet
The Japanese macaque, scientific name Macaca fuscata, also known as the snow monkey, is an endemic Old World monkey species, native to Japan. Macaca fuscata got its name “snow monkey”…

Egyptian Ape (Aegyptopithecus) Profile, Traits, Description
An Aegyptopithecus or the Egyptian ape is a primary fossil caterpillar that, according to the morphology, predicts the differentiation between hominids (APS) and sarcopithecids, Old World Monkeys. Elwyn Simons made…