The Peruvian night monkey, a scientific name Aotus miconax, also referred to as the Andean nighttime monkey is a nocturnal New World monkey endemic to northern Peru. In this article,…
Month: July 2020

Tufted Capuchin – Habitat | Pet | Baby | Diet | Facts
The tufted capuchin, scientific name Sapajus apella, also called brown capuchin, black-capped capuchin, or pin monkey is a New World primate from South America. In this article, I will give…

Owl Monkeys as Pets or in the Wild to Recommend?
Owl monkeys are cute primates and there is a controversy as these vulnerable, tiny primate species can be treated as pets or not. In this article, we will discuss owl…

Black Capped Capuchin Monkey – Lifespan | Pet | Facts
The black capuchin, scientific name Sapajus nigritus, also referred to as the black-capped capuchin is a capuchin monkey from the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil and much north-eastern Argentina. Traditionally,…

Spix’s Night Monkey – Profile | Description | Facts
Spix’s night monkey, scientific name Aotus vociferans is a night monkey species from South America. It’s present in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Spix’s night monkey Description The Spix’s night…

Common Squirrel Monkey Profile | Description | Facts
Common squirrel monkey is the normal widespread identify for a number of small squirrel monkey species native to the tropical areas of South America. Squirrel monkey facts A squirrel monkey…

Three-striped Night Monkey – Lifespan | Facts | Profile
The three-striped night monkey, scientific name Aotus trivirgatus, often known as northern night time monkey or northern owl monkey, is one in every of a number of species of owl…

Black-headed Night Monkey – Profile | Facts | Adaptation
The black-headed night monkey, scientific name Aotus nigriceps is a night monkey species from South America. It’s present in Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru. Black-headed night monkey facts The Black-headed night…

Capuchin Monkey Diet – How Often Do Capuchin Monkeys Eat?
A typical Capuchin Monkey Diet consists of fruit, bugs, leaves, and small birds. They’re significantly good at catching frogs and cracking nuts, and it’s suspected that they could additionally feed…

White-bellied Spider Monkey – Profile | Facts | Traits
The white-bellied spider monkey, scientific name Ateles belzebuth, also referred to as the white-fronted or long-haired spider monkey, is an endangered species of spider monkey, a sort of New World…